Spring 2024
CRN: 10353
SWRK 3330 - Cult / Ethn / Inst Swrk Practice

This course focuses upon ethnic/racial groups who are among social welfare consumers and social work clientele. Individual and institutional racism are examined. Racial/cultural characteristics and group strengths, needs, priorities, and experiences in the context of social welfare and social work are also explored. The course reviews implications of ethnic factors for social work practice, social policy, and social work education. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Societies and Cultures Category. This course also meets the Diversity and Inclusion student learning outcome.

Additional Information

Campus: Online Education
Schedule Type: Seminar or Studio
Instructional Method: Online Semester
Attribute: Creative&Critical Thinking SLO           Diversity & Inclusion SLO           Societies and Culture

Please note this class meets every Wednesday of the semester
excluding University holidays or breaks.
When not meeting in person on the posted dates
this course will meet online from 17:00 - 19:20.

Course Fees:
Social Work Class Fee $25.00 Flat Fee
Prerequisites and Restrictions:

Instructor(s): Pittman, Leticia A (Primary)

Required and recommended course materials, including cost.

To view a list of books required for this section click here.

In making available the Western Michigan University textbook information on this website, we cannot and do not guarantee that the books we have listed will actually be the books used for any given course and section - the individual instructors can and do make final decisions about course book usage and changes and errors do occur.

Textbooks may be returned for a full refund within the guidelines listed under the Textbook Return Policy.

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