Spring 2024 CRN: 13450 HNRS 3202 - Modernism in Art and Lit
The early 20th century was a rich period of innovation in art and literature. Thanks to the efforts of artists and writers including Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Ernest Hemingway and D.H. Lawrence, our conception of art and culture was transformed. In this class we will read novels and short stories, and study paintings and sculptures by these and other important figures of this revolutionary period. We will examine artistic movements including Cubism, Futurism and Surrealism and discuss the ways in which the artists and writers interacted with one another and were affected by historical events. This is a class for students interested in art, who like to read and want to discover more about the artistic developments of Modernism.
Additional Information
Campus: Main
Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab/Discussion
Instructional Method: Traditional Attribute: Artistic Theory and Practice Creative&Critical Thinking SLO Area II: Humanities Increase Foundatn Knowldge SLO
Abshear, Jeffrey B (Primary)
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