Spring 2024
CRN: 15652
SCI 2080 - Explorations in Life Sci

In this course we will explore our natural world, and develop a conceptual understanding of core life science ideas that are appropriate for teaching children in grades K-6. This includes concepts which cut across all the sciences. At the same time, we will engage in a variety of scientific and engineering practices, through hands-on activities integrated with the subject-matter. The course uses a range of teaching methods, including an inquiry-based approach and active-engagement. You will learn to apply core scientific ideas to solve problems and explain interesting aspects of our natural world. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Science and Technology Category.

Additional Information

Campus: Online Education
Schedule Type: Lecture
Instructional Method: Online Semester
Attribute: Intellectual Inquiry SLO           Scientific Literacy SLO           Science and Technology

Course Fees:
Science MISE Class Fee $13.33 per Bill Hour fee
Prerequisites and Restrictions:
 SCI 2070  Minimum Grade of D
Reserved Seat Counts
Level Attribute Program Field of Study Graduation
Class Capacity Enrolled Available WaitList
ELG1 30 21 9 0 0
ELG2 30 21 9 0 0

Instructor(s): Davis, Lauri E (Primary)

Required and recommended course materials, including cost.

To view a list of books required for this section click here.

In making available the Western Michigan University textbook information on this website, we cannot and do not guarantee that the books we have listed will actually be the books used for any given course and section - the individual instructors can and do make final decisions about course book usage and changes and errors do occur.

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