Spring 2021
CRN: 15668
FIN 3010 - Financial Coaching

This course covers the various elements of both the art and the science of personal financial coaching. Pertaining to the art of personal financial coaching, topics include Effective Planner/Client Communication, Coordinating the Planning Process, Establishing Credibility, and The Commitment to Ethics. Regarding the science of personal financial planning, topics include Cash Management, Using Credit, Loan Utilization, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Insurance Planning, Retirement Planning, and Estate Planning, as well as technological innovations in the financial services industry. This course provides a foundation for helping others work towards achieving financial wellness. As such it the capstone for what we call the "Pathway to Financial Wellness". Having mastered Financial Literacy (FIN 2010) built on Information Literacy (BCM 1420) and Quantitative Literacy (ACTY 2010), student completing this course will be able to guide themselves and others towards Financial Wellness with expert advice, time, discipline, and luck as additional factors. Financial Wellness, in turn, is one of the components of Personal Wellness, which makes it part of the response to the question that everyone tries to answer: "How do I use the skills I have learned in the classroom to live the best life possible?" This course also completes the education requirement for the Accredited Financial Counselor® designation in partnership with AFCPE. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 3: Connections – Local and National Perspectives Category.

Additional Information

Campus: Online Education
Schedule Type: Lecture
Instructional Method: Online Semester
Attribute: Ethical&Critical Thinking SLO           Local & National Perspectives           Oral&Digital Communication SLO           Work Independntly&in Teams SLO

Prerequisites and Restrictions:
 FIN 2010  Minimum Grade of D
This course is restricted to the following level:

Instructor(s): Mora, Todd D (Primary)

Required and recommended course materials, including cost.

To view a list of books required for this section click here.

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