Fall 2023 CRN: 45760 GIST 2000 - Global & International Studies
Multidisciplinary introduction to global and international studies as an academic field of inquiry, with emphasis on six focus fields: •Identities and cultures in a globalized world •State, security and transnational governance •Inequality and social responsibility •Global health and the environment •Migration and population dynamics •Global communication, expression and information systems. Students will explore the major world regions, be open to intercultural contacts, place issues in historical and ideological context and be able to judge information about major global trends and issues; by the end of the course, students should see themselves as members of global as well as local communities. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – World Language and Culture Category.
Additional Information
Campus: Online Education
Schedule Type: Lecture
Instructional Method: Online Semester Attribute: Area IV: Other Cultures Increase Foundatn Knowldge SLO Language and/or Culture SLO World Language and Culture
Bober, Timothy L (Primary)
Required and recommended course materials, including cost.
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