Spring 2024 Course Offerings

Campus Information:
To view online course offerings, please select Online Education as the campus.

Class Delivery Method Information:

  • In-person - Traditional classroom work that meets at certain times and locations.
  • Hybrid - A combination of classroom and virtual work and meeting times.
  • Asynchronous distance education - Distance education classes that do not require you to meet at scheduled times.
  • Fully synchronous distance education - Distance ed classes that meet at scheduled times like an in-person class.
  • Partially synchronous distance education - Distance ed classes that have some synchronous and some asynchronous instruction.

Instructional Method Information:

  • Online courses - no required face-to-face meetings, delivery is all online.
  • Hybrid courses - there is a mix of distance and face-to-face instruction, with at least 51% of the instruction online.
  • Study Abroad - courses taught at sites outside of the United States.
  • Traditional - courses taught face-to-face in a classroom in Kalamazoo or at a regional site.Click on the course title for more course information, including the course description and textbook information.

    For more information on how waitlisting works, please see http://www.wmich.edu/registrar/students-registration-waitlisting

    • Foreign Languages is now World Languages and Literatures.
    Term Campus Class Delivery Method Instructional Method Subject Course # Instructor WMU Essential Studies/General Education

    Family And Consumer Sciences ( FCS )
    CRN Section Course Start/End
    Days Time Class Delivery Method Instructional
    Location Campus Instructors Credits Special
    Main J Chen

    Capacity: 25
    Actual: 21
    Remain: 4
    Capacity: 10
    Actual: 0
    950 Jan 08, 2024 -
    Apr 27, 2024
                  Asynchronous Online Online Semester CLASS
    Online - Semester Course
    Online Education J Chen
    S A Zent

    Capacity: 25
    Actual: 24
    Remain: 1
    Capacity: 10
    Actual: 0